






1986.91990.6 西安地质学院 专业:地质学,学士学位

1994.91996.12 西安地质学院 专业:构造地质学,导师:杨志华,硕士学位

1997.032000.3 南京大学 专业:构造地质学,导师:郭令智,博士学位 






















Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., Ye, X.T., Chen, X.Y., 2019. Tectonic evolution of the West Kunlun Orogenic Belt along the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: implications for the assembly of the Tarim terrane to Gondwana. Geoscience Frontiers 10973-988.

Zhang, C.L., Ye, X.T., R.E. Ernst, Zhong, Y., Zhang, J. Li, H.K., 2019. Revisiting the Precambrian evolution of the Southwestern Tarim terrane: Implications for its role in Precambrian supercontinents. Precambrian Research 324, 18-31.

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., Ye, X.T., Cheng, X.Y., 2018. Timing of subduction initiation in the Proto-Tethys Ocean: evidence from the Cambrian gabbros from NE Pamir Plateau. Lithos, 314-315, 40-51.

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., Ye, X.T., Chen, X.Y., 2018. A newly identified Precambrian terrane at the Pamir Plateau: The Archean basement and Neoproterozoic granitic intrusions. Precambrian Research 304, 73-87.

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., Ye, X.T., Chen, X.Y., 2018. Tectonic evolution of the NE section of the Pamir Plateau: new evidence from field observations and zircon U-Pb geochronology. Tectonophysics. 723, 27-40.

Zhang, C.L., Zhu, Q.B., Chen, X.Y., Ye, H.M., 2016. Ordovician arc-related mafic intrusions in South China: implications for plate subduction along the southeastern margin of the South China in the early Paleozoic. The Journal of Geology 124, 743-767.

Zhang, C.L., Ye, X.T., Zou, H.B., Chen, X.Y., 2016. Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin evolution in southwestern Tarim, NW China: new evidence from field observations, detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions. Precambrian Research 280, 31-45.

Zhang, C.L., M. Santosh, Zhu, Q.B., Chen, X.Y., Huang, W.C., 2015. The Gondwana connection of South China: Evidence from monazite and zircon geochronology in the Cathaysia Block. Gondwana Research 28, 1137-1151.

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., Zhu, Q.B., Chen, X.Y., 2015. Late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic ridge subduction along the southern margin of the Jiangnan orogen: new evidences from the northeastern Jiangxi ophiolite (NJO), South China. Precambrian Research 268, 1-15.

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., M. Santosh, Ye, X.T., Li, H.K., 2014. Is the Precambrian basement of the Tarim Craton in NW China composed of discrete terranes? Precambrian Research 254, 226-244.

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., Yao, C.Y., Zou, G., Dong, Y.G., 2014. Origin of the Permian gabbroic intrusions in the southern margin of the Altai Orogen: A possible link to the Permian Tarim mantle plume? Lithos 204, 112-124.

Zhang, C.L., Li, H.K., M. Santosh. 2013. Revisiting to tectonic evolution of the South China: interaction between Rodinia supperplume and plate subduction. Terra Nova 25, 212-220.

Zhang, C.L., M. Santosh, Zou, H.B., Li, H.K., Huang, W.C., 2013. The Fuchuan ophiolite in Jiangnan Orogen: Geochemistry, zircon UPb geochronology, Hf isotope and implications for the Neoproterozoic assembly of South China. Lithos 179, 263-274

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., 2013. Comparison between the Permian mafic dykes in Tarim and the western part of Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), NW China: implications for two mantle domains of the Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province. Lithos 174, 15-27.

Zhang, C.L., Zou, H.B., 2013. Permian A-type granites and Tarim and western part of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt (CAOB): Genetically related to a common Permian mantle plume? Lithos 172-173, 47-60.

Zhang, C.L., Li, H. K., Zou, H.B., 2013. Tectonic framework and evolution of the Tarim Block in NW China. Gondwana Research 23, 1306-1315.

Zhang, C.L., M. Santosh, Li, H.K., Li, Z.X., Zou, H.B., Wang, H.Y., Ye, H.M., 2012. Precambrian evolution and cratonization of the Tarim Block, NW China: Petrology, geochemistry, Nd-isotopes and U-Pb zircon geochronology from Archaean gabbro-TTG-potassic granite suite and Paleoproterozoic metamorphic belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 47, 5-20.

Zhang, C.L., Li, H.K., Zou, H.B., Wang, H.Y., 2012. Multiple phases of Neoproterozoic ultramafic-mafic complex in Kuruqtagh, northern margin of Tarim: interaction between plate subduction and mantle plume? Precambrian Research 222-223, 488-502.

Zhang, C.L., M. Santosh, Zou H.B., Dong, Y.G. 2012. Revisiting the "Irtish tectonic belt": implications for the Paleozoic evolution of the Altaid orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 52, 117-133.

Zhang, C.L., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Ye, H.M., 2011. Neoproterozoic layered ultramafic-mafic intrusive complex in Quruqtagh of the northeastern Tarim Block, NW China: two phases of mafic igneous activities with different mantle sources. Gondwana Research 19, 177-190.

Zhang, C.L., Li, Z.X., Li, X.H., Xu, Y.G., Zhou, G., Ye, H.M., 2010. A Permian Large Igneous Province in Tarim and Central Asian Orogenic Blet (CAOB), NW China: Results of a ca. 275 Ma mantle plume? GSA Bulletin. 2020-2040.

Zhang, C.L., Xu, Y.G., Li, Z.X., Wang, H.Y., 2010. Diverse Permian magmatism in the Tarim Block, NW China: Genetically linked to the Permian Tarim mantle plume? Lithos, 119, 537-552.

Zhang, C.L., Yang, D.S., Wang, H.Y., 2010. Neoproterozoic mafic dyke swarm and basalt in southern margin of the Tarim Block: age, geochemistry and their geodynamic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica. 84, 549-562 (English edition).

Zhang, C.L., Li, Z.X., Li, X.H., Ye, H.M., 2009. Neoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms in northern margin of the Tarim Block: Age, geochemistry and implications on the breakup of Rodinia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35, 167-179.

Zhang, C.L., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Ye, H.M., 2008. Permian layered ultramafic-mafic-syenite intrusive complex in western Tarim block, NW China: genetically related to a Permian mantle plume under Tarim? The Journal of Geology 116, 263-281.

Zhang, C.L., Li, Z.X., Li, X.H., Ye, H.M., 2007. Neoproterozoic ultramafic-mafic- carbonate complex, adakite-like granodiorite-granite plutons in Kuruketage, northeastern Tarim Block, NW China: geochronology, geochemistry and their tectonic implications. Precambrian Research 152: 149-169.

Zhang, C.L., Li Z. X., Li X. H., Wang A. G. and Guo K. Y., 2006. Neoproterozoic bimodal intrusive complex in southwestern Tarim block of NW China: age, geochemistry and Nd isotope and implications for the rifting of Rodinia. International Geology Review 48, 112-128.

Zhang, C.L., Yu, H. F., Ye, H. M., 2006. Discussions on the Neoproterozoic diorites in central Tarim basin: a comment on “Geochronology and geochemistry of deep-drill-core samples from the basement of the central Tarim basin” by Guo et al. (Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 2005, vol. 25, 45-56). Journal of Asia Earth Sciences 29, 177-180.

Zhang, C.L., Li, Z.X., Li, X.H., Ye, H.M., 2007. Early Palaeoproterozoic high-K intrusive complex in southwestern Tarim Block, NW China: age, geochemistry and implications for the Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of Tarim. Gondwana Research 12: 101-112.

Zhang, C.L., Yu, H. F., Ye, H. M., et al., 2006. Aoyitake plagiogranite in western Tarim Block, NW China: Age, geochemistry, petrogenesis and its tectonic implications. Science in China (series D) 49(11),1121-1134.

Zhang, C.L., Lu S. N., Yu H. F., Ye H. M., 2007. Tectonic evolution of Western Orogenic belt: evidences from zircon SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages. Science in China (series D) 50(1), 1-12.

Ye, H., Li, X.H., Li, Z.X., Zhang, C.L.*, 2008. Age and origin of the high Ba-Sr granitoids from northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: implications for the early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Western Kunlun orogenic belt. Gondwana Research 13, 126-138 (*Corresponding author).

Ye, X.T., Zhang, C.L.*, Zou, H.B., Zhou, G., Yao, C.Y., Dong, Y.G., 2015. Devonian Alaskan-type ultramafic–mafic intrusions and silicic igneous rocks along the southern Altai orogen: Implications on the Phanerozoic continental growth of the Altai orogen of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 75-89(*Corresponding author).

Ye, X.T., Zhang, C.L *, M. Santosh, Zhang, J., Fan, X.K., Zhang, J., 2016. Growth and evolution of Precambrian continental crust in thesouthwestern Tarim terrane: New evidence from the ca. 1.4 Ga A-typegranites and Paleoproterozoic intrusive complexg. Precambrian Research 275, 18–34 (*Corresponding author).

Ye, X.T., Zhang, C.L.*, Zou, H.B., Zhou, G., Yao, C.Y., Dong, Y.G., 2017. Age and geochemistry of the Zhaheba ophiolite complex in eastern Junggar of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB): implications for the accretion process of the Junggar terrane. Geol. Mag., 154, 419-440 (*Corresponding author).

陈相艳,仝来喜,张传林*,朱清波,李亚楠. 2015. 浙江龙游石榴石角闪岩(退变榴辉岩):华夏加里东期碰撞造山事件的新证据. 科学通报. 601207-1217*通讯作者)

王洪燕,张传林*. 2011. 青藏高原西北缘第四纪火山岩的年龄、地球化学特征及意义. 地质通报. 301171-1181. *通讯作者).

张传林,周刚,王洪燕.,丁汝福,董永观. 2010. 塔里木及中亚西段二叠纪大火成岩省两类地幔源区. 地质通报. 26779-794.

张传林,陆松年,于海锋等. 2007. 青藏北缘西昆仑造山带构造演化:来自锆石SHRIMPLA-ICP-MS测年的证据. 中国科学50145-154.

张传林,于海锋,叶海敏等. 2006. 塔里木西部奥依塔克斜长花岗岩:年龄、地球化学特征及其构造意义. 中国科学. 36811-893.

张传林,叶海敏,王爱国,郭坤一,董永观. 2004. 塔里木西南新元古代辉绿岩及玄武岩的地球化学特征:新元古代超大陆(Rodinia)裂解的证据. 岩石学报. 20: 473-482.

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张传林、王中刚、沈加琳、毕华、郭坤一、王爱国,2003,西昆仑山阿卡孜岩体锆石SHRIMP定年及其地球化学特征,岩石学报19(3): 523-529.


张传林,赵宇,郭坤一,2003. 青藏高原北缘首次获得格琳威尔期造山事件同位素年龄值,地质科学38(4): 535-538.

张传林,董永观,杨志华. 2000. 秦岭晋宁期两条蛇绿岩带及其对秦岭-大别构造演化的制约,地质学报74(4): 313-324.










