

(Email: xyan@hhu.edu.cn,Tel: )


2011.08-2016.05 博士,乔治梅森大学气候动力学

2008.09-2011.05 研究生,北英属哥伦比亚大学自然资源与环境科学

2003.09-2007.07 本科,中国海洋大学大气科学



2019.12-              副教授,河海大学

2016.05-2019.05 博后,普林斯顿大学大气与海洋科学学院

2011.08-2016.05 助研,乔治梅森大学大气、海洋与地球科学学院

2008.09-2011.05 助研,北英属哥伦比亚大学自然资源与环境科学














Xiaoqin Yan, Rong Zhang, and Tom Knutson. A multivariate AMV index and associated discrepancies between observed and CMIP5 externally forced AMV. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46:4421– 4431, 2019

Timothy DelSole, Laurie Trenary, Xiaoqin Yan, and Michael K Tippett. Confidence intervals in optimal fingerprinting. Climate Dynamics, pages 1–16, 2018.

Xiaoqin Yan, Rong Zhang, and Tom Knutson. Underestimated AMOC Variability and Implications for AMV and Predictability in CMIP Models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45:4319– 4328, 2018.

Xiaoqin Yan, Rong Zhang, and Thomas R. Knutson. The role of Atlantic overturning circulation in the recent decline of Atlantic major hurricane frequency. Nature Communications, 8:1695, 2017.

Xiaoqin Yan, Timothy DelSole, and Michael K. Tippett. What Surface Observations Are Important for Separating the Influences of Anthropogenic Aerosols from Other Forcings? J. Climate, 29:4165–4184, 2016.

Timothy DelSole, Xiaoqin Yan, and Michael K. Tippett. Inferring Aerosol Cooling from Hydrological Sensitivity. J. Climate, 29:6167–6178, 2016.

Youmin Tang, Dake Chen, and Xiaoqin Yan. Potential predictability of northern america surface temperature in AGCMs and CGCMs. Climate Dynamics, 45:353–374, 2015.

Timothy DelSole, Xiaoqin Yan, Paul A. Dirmeyer, Mike Fennessy, and Eric Altshuler. Changes in seasonal predictability due to global warming. J. Climate, 27:300–311, 2014.

Youmin Tang, Dake Chen, and Xiaoqin Yan. Potential predictability of north american surface temperature. Part I: Information-based versus signal-to-noise-based metrics. J. Climate, 27:1578–1599, 2014.

Paul A. Dirmeyer, Yan Jin, Bohar Singh, and Xiaoqin Yan. Trends in land–atmosphere interactions from CMIP5 simulations. J. Hydrometeor., 14:829–849, 2013.

Paul A. Dirmeyer, Yan Jin, Bohar Singh, and Xiaoqin Yan. Evolving land–atmosphere interactions over north america from CMIP5 simulations. J. Climate, 26:7313–7327, 2013.

Xiaoqin Yan and Youmin Tang. An analysis of multi-model ensembles for seasonal climate predictions. Q. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc, 139:1179–1198, 2013. 




