



2006.9-2010.7 天津大学化工学院,生物工程,   工学学士 

2010.9-2013.7 天津大学化工学院,生物分子工程, 工学硕士

2013.9-2017.7 清华大学生命学院,生物学,     理学博士 



2020.5-至今  开云竞猜(中国)有限公司官网                      副教授

2018.3-2020.3 德国马克思普朗克胶体与界面研究所           博士后

2016.9-2017.2 GEOMAR(Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) 访问学者 






发表SCI论文40篇,包括Science Advances、Biomacromolcules、Frontiers in Marine Science、ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Environmental Science & Technology、Biofouling、Scientific Reports、Crystal Growth & Design、CrystEngCommProteomics、Journal of Proteomics等,被引用1000余次。

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chuang_Liu11

几个典型生物矿物:左图为在蛋白质影响下形成的直径约20微米的碳酸钙“蜗牛”;中图为石鳖外壳中的感受器的三维图,每个感受器直径约为20微米;右图为石鳖的牙齿,其成分为铁矿石。Copyright: 刘闯。


海洋生物技术 (Marine Biotechnology)、生物化学、生物化学实验、校级通识课


国家自然科学基金青年项目     Ferritin家族在帽贝牙齿生物矿化中的功能研究  2023-2025,主持

江苏省双创博士           石鳖中生物矿化的进化和分子机制           2021-2023,主持

江苏省自然科学基金青年项目   帽贝牙齿几丁质蛋白家族的研究            2021-2024,主持

中央高校业务经费          斑竹条纹鲨软骨矿化层形成的分子机制        2023-2025,主持 

中央高校业务经费          帽贝牙齿生物矿化的分子机制             2020-2023,主持,已结题

Human Frontier Science Program 生物矿化囊泡在乳腺癌骨转移中的作用        2017-2020,参与



1. Chuang Liu*, Haipeng Liu, Jingliang Huang, Xin Ji. Optimized sensory units integrated in the chiton shell. Marine Biotechnology, 2022, 24, 380–392. 

2. Chuang Liu*, Wenjing Zhang, Haipeng Liu. Threonine and polythreonine accelerate calcium carbonate formation. Crystal Growth & Design, 2024, in press.

3. Aaron E. Chiou#, Chuang Liu#, Inés Moreno-Jiménez, Tengteng Tang, Wolfgang Wagermaier, Mason N. Dean, Claudia Fischbach*, Peter Fratzl*. Breast cancer-secreted factors perturb murine bone growth in regions prone to metastasis, Science Advances, 2021,7(12), eabf2283. 

4. Chuang Liu*, Dawei Sun, Yuhui Chen, Can Wang, Jinglin Li, and Jiwen Lin, Mineralize It or Not: Comparative Proteomics and Elemental Analysis Reveal Ancestral Compositions of Iron Mineralized Molluscan Radulae. Journal of Proteome Research, 2022, 21, 11, 2736–2742.

5. Aihua Zhang, Ziyan Wei, Jingliang Huang*, Chuang Liu*. Shell proteins and microstructural analysis identify the origin of shell arts with species resolution in pearl oysters. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2023, 151,105729

6. Chuang Liu*, Xin Ji, Jiangliang Huang, Yangjia Liu, Zilin Wang, Maxwell T. Hincke, Proteomics of shell matrix proteins from the cuttlefish bone reveals unique evolution for cephalopod biomineralization, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2023, 10;9(4):1796-1807.

7. Chuang Liu*, Comparative proteomics for an in-depth understanding of bioadhesion mechanisms and evolution across metazoans. Journal of Proteomics, 2022, 256, 104506.

8. Chuang Liu*, Rongqing Zhang*. Biomineral proteomics: A tool for multiple disciplinary studies. Journal of Proteomics, 2021, 238(2):104171.

9. Yadong Wang, Chuang Liu*, Jinzhe Du, Jingliang Huang, Shuce Zhang, Rongqing Zhang*. The microstructure, proteomics and crystallization of the limpet teeth, Proteomics, 2018, 18 (19), 1800194.

10. Chuang Liu, Liping Xie, Rongqing Zhang. Ca2+ meditates the self-assembly of the foot proteins of Pinctada fucata from the nanoscale to the microscale. Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17 (10), 33473355.


1. Dawei Sun, Chuang Liu*, Zhenglu Wang, Jingliang Huang. Multiscale analysis of the unusually complex muscle fibers for the chiton radulae. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, 10,1107714.

2. Xin Ji, Jingliang Huang, Zhenglu Wang, Zhiqiang Xu, Chuang Liu*. Proteins are well-preserved in shells toasted at 300°C revealed by proteomics. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9:850120.

3. Chuang Liu*, Rongqing Zhang*. Identification of novel adhesive proteins in pearl oyster by proteomic and bioinformatic analysis. Biofouling, 2021,37, 3, 299-308.

4. Chuang Liu#, Jinzhe Du#, Liping Xie, Rongqing Zhang. Direct observation of nacre proteins in the whole calcite by super-resolution microscopy reveals diverse occlusion patterns. Crystal Growth & Design, 2017, 17 (4), 1966-1976.

5. Chuang Liu, Shiguo Li, Jingjing Kong, Liu YangJia, Tianpeng Wang, Liping Xie, Rongqing Zhang. In-depth proteomic analysis of shell matrix proteins of Pinctada fucata. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 17269.

6. Shiguo Li#, Chuang Liu#, Aibin Zhan, Liping Xie, Rongqing Zhang. Influencing mechanism of ocean acidification on byssus performance in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 76967706.

7. Tao Li*, Chuang Liu*, Dongmei Wang. Applying micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and Raman spectroscopy for non-invasive characterization of coating and coating pigments on ancient Chinese papers, 2020, Heritage Science 8(1):22

8. Chuang Liu#, Guangrui Xu#, Jinzhe Du#, Juan Sun, Xiang Wan, Xiaojun Liu, Jingtan Su, Jian Liang, Guilan Zheng, Liping Xie, Rongqing Zhang. Mineralization of nacre-like structure meditated by extrapallial fluid on pearl nucleus, Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, 18 (1), 3236.

9. Jinzhe Du, Guangrui Xu, Chuang Liu*, Rongqing Zhang*. The role of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of shell matrix proteins in shell formation: an in vivo and in vitro study. CrystEngComm, 2018, 20 (27), 3905-3916. (*, co-corresponding)

10. Chuang Liu, Shiguo Li, Jingliang Huang, Yangjia Liu, Ganchu Jia, Rongqing Zhang. Extensible byssus of Pinctada fucata: Ca2+-stabilized nanocavities and a thrombospondin-1 protein, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 15018.






Le Studium会议,生物矿化与免疫,法国(线上),2021,口头报告

Biomin XV: 国际生物矿化研讨会, 德国慕尼黑,2019,口头报告


HFSP “生物矿化与乳腺癌骨转移” 研讨会,以色列特拉维夫,口头报告


全球海洋湖泊生态安全会议,中国南京,2014, 口头报告





玛丽居里奖学金(Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND,2017年)

国家奖学金 (2013,2015年)



担任Frontiers in Marine Science客座副主编

担任 Nature Communications, iScience, Frontiers in Marine Science, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Biofouling, Materials Science and Engineering C, ChembioChem, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Heritage Science, PeerJ 审稿人





2020级硕士 季鑫(已毕业,杭州就业)

2021级硕士 刘海鹏、孙大伟

2022级硕士 袁阳、张雯靖

2023级硕士 杜胜豪、廖娟莉


2017级  王子霖(上海科技大学,读研)、倪明宏(南京诺云生物科技)

2018级  王灿(南方科技大学,读研)

2019级  陈雨卉(浙江大学,读研)、李敬霖(南京大学、读研)、林纪文、孙嘉锴(南方科技大学、读研)、董千里(南京医科大学、读研)

2020级  林陈、陈冠菘、曹乐、李雨

2021级  张金哲、高原野、张子涵、曾杭英、叶风